Wednesday, January 9, 2013

No, it can't.
Fernando Rojas of Mesquite doesn't like the idea of school vouchers. I, personally, think it's a great idea. It's the best way to put an end to all the discrimination and inner city school problems. Everyone will receive a voucher to apply to whatever school he wants to.
Fernando's problem is that the voucher can be used in private schools -- specifically church-related ones. He says it would violate separation of church and state. No, it wouldn't. No one says you have to use your voucher to go to a religious school -- you can use it anywhere you choose.
Fernando says that legislators should be mindful that "freedom of religion" can also be construed to mean freedom from religion. No, it can't. Freedom of religion is spelled out for us in the 1st Amendment -- "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Don't see anything at all in there about protecting someone from being exposed to religion. It merely says that Congress cannot establish a religion, and school vouchers certainly don't do that.
"Vouchers affront to separation." The Dallas Morning News; January 1, 2013; p. 14a.

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