Friday, January 4, 2013

Way to stimulate that economy, Barack!
Since our economy has flourished so well under Barack, and since jobs are abundant, Barack has decided to implement some stricter EPA regulations that will tamp down all that prosperity a little bit.
Last month, the administration reduced by 20% the amount of soot that can be released into the air from smokestacks, diesel trucks, and other sources. That means some companies will have to pull trucks off the road. That means some companies will have to shut down until they bring their equipment into compliance. And that means fewer employed truck drivers and factory workers. And once these places are able to get back online, do you not suppose that the products they provide will cost the consumer more?
The EPA says we'll see up to a $9 billion benefit from the stricter regulation. I suspect that's another of those phantom numbers like the ones Barack used to tell us how much Obamacare is going to save us. And we know how well that's going.
"EPA tightens soot rule; health, jobs at issue." The Dallas Morning News; December 15, 2012; p. 6A.

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