Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Is the eagle less dead when killed by a wind turbine?
Does the Obama administration really care about endangered species, or is it mainly concerned with promoting its politically correct agenda?
While fining oil and electric companies millions of dollars for accidentally killing birds on the endangered species list, the administration is proposing a rule that would allow wind energy companies 30-year permits to kill a set number of bald or golden eagles who are wont to fly into the whirling blades of the turbines.
Tim Eicher, a former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Enforcement agent says, "What it boils down to is this: If you electrocute an eagle, that is bad, but if you chop it to pieces, that is OK."
Looks like Tim pretty well understands "Obamapocrisy."
"Unprotected species." The Dallas Morning News; May 15, 2013; p. 8A.

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