Sunday, May 26, 2013

What's good for the goose . . .
Naim Rasool Muhammad took his two little sons, ages 3 and 5, and held their heads under the water of a murky, smelly creek until they died. You see, he was afraid that his two little boys would grow up like he did -- abandoned and neglected.
This monster's defense attorney claims Naim killed his sons for their own good. Therefore, Naim doesn't deserve the death penalty. But wait . . . if death is the preferred alternative for those little boys, why doesn't Naim deserve to die? Isn't there a contradiction here? Children should be dead rather than grow up like Naim, but it's OK for Naim to still be alive?
Anyway, they conveniently omitted the obvious. If Naim were a proper father to begin with, his sons could have lived and grown up without being abandoned and neglected. But it's all our fault, you know. Naim was failed by "the system." Yeah, right.
"Dad who drowned 2 awaits his fate." The Dallas Morning News; May 16, 2013; p. 1B.

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