Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cry me a river! Bring out the violins! Boo Hoo Hoo!

How inhumane can the state be? The Mississippi Department of Corrections is eliminating inmates' conjugal visits. I don't know who came up with the asinine idea of conjugal visits in the first place. Some bleeding heart "everybody is God's child" liberal, I guess.

Ebony Fisher is heartbroken. She won't get to have sex with the rapist/arsonist she calls her husband. No more conjugal visits means no children, she moans. Really? And who do you suppose would be supporting those childen if she had them? It wouldn't be dad, because he's not supposed to get out for 60 years. And maybe Ebony should have considered that before she married an incarcerated rapist -- he began serving his sentence in 2008. They've been married 6 months.

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