Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Can you lend me a few dollars?

Barack Obama went door to door in Toledo, Ohio, Sunday, asking families how he could help them. What a joke! I'd have said, "Well, could you lend me a couple hundred?" Bet he wouldn't have responded to that one.

Anyway, one of these poor fools fell for those political shenanigans. Denise Knisley said she had been thinking about voting for him, but she definitely will now that she's met him. "You've got to believe in somebody," she said.

What kind of sense does that make? Her decision would have carried a lot more weight had she said, "I think his economic policies will help me more than the Republican policies." Or, "I think his foreign policy will keep our country safer than McCain's will." Or, "He has a lot more common sense than McCain does." But she didn't say any of those things. Her comment is as empty as Obama's campaign -- it sounds good, but there's nothing there.

"McCain vows to whip Obama's 'you-know-what' in debate." The Dallas Morning News; October 13, 2008; p. 4A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the number of people falling for him and his empty ideas....he yells "change" and people follow him like pigs to slop!