Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I do not know the man!

Sarah Palin (the pit bull in lipstick and one of my new heroes) has brought Barack Obama's association with Bill Ayers to the attention of the public. Bill Ayers was a founding member of the Weatherman -- the radical 1960's terrorist group that liked to leave bombs lying around. His girlfriend died in a bomb-making accident in 1970. His former roommate, Terry Robbins, was also killed in the same blast. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. Ayers was asked in a January 2004 interview, "How do you feel about what you did? Would you do it again under similar circumstances?" He replied: "I've thought about this a lot. Being almost 60, it's impossible to not have lots and lots of regrets about lots and lots of things, but the question of did we do something that was horrendous, awful? ... I don't think so. I think what we did was to respond to a situation that was unconscionable."

So if I were Barack Obama, and I was accused of associating with this man, my response would be, "Not just no, but Hell no!" Instead, what we are hearing from him is, "Republicans are gambling that he [McCain] can distract you with smears rather than talk to you about substance." That tells me all I need to know about Bill Ayers and Barack Obama and Obama's "substance."

"Palin stands behind 'terrorists' remark." The Dallas Morning News; October 6, 2008; p. 6A.

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