Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sorry, we're fresh out!

A couple of weeks ago, Mike Bacon of The Colony wrote a letter to The Dallas Morning News in response to a letter from Lisa McDaniel. Mrs. McDaniel had taken her grandchildren to Six Flags. Unfortunately for her, she had picked gay day to visit. She was upset that she had to explain all the public displays of affection between men to the little ones.

Mr. Bacon thinks Mrs. McDaniel is intolerant. "How about a little more tolerance? We need it these days," he says.

No, Mr. Bacon, what we need is more people to stand up and say, "This is an abomination in the sight of God, and we're NOT going to tolerate it anymore!" I don't know about you, but Essie May is fresh out of tolerance!

"More tolerance, please." The Dallas Morning News; September 29, 2008; p. 12A.


Anonymous said...

I agree! Let them stay in the closet!

Anonymous said...

AMEN Essie too!