Thursday, October 2, 2008

Now who's stifling teachers?

People who don't believe in evolution are consistently laughed at by "scientists." We are oblivious to scientific proof, they say. We are superstitious believers in a fairy tale book (what they call the Bible) full of contradictions and impossibilities. As I told one scientist arguing this point, those scientists may be a lot smarter than I am (but I doubt it), but God is a lot smarter than they are, so I'll believe God.

Scientists also say that if we don't teach evolution in our classrooms, we are stifling our teachers and dooming our students to ignorance. All theories (except the theory of divine creation) should be place upon the table, they say. Would you like to know how hypocritical these scientists really are?

The 21st Century Science Coalition made up of scientists from Texas universities supports a proposal before the State Board of Education that standards for biology courses eliminate the provision of teaching the "strengths and weaknesses" of theories. They don't want our students to know that the Theory of Evolution is a bunch of hooey, so any teacher smart enough to recognize the parts of it that just don't make sense can't teach about those deficiencies. Who is really stifling the teachers? Who is really trying to brainwash our students with fairy tales?

"Scientists back evolution." The Dallas Morning News; October 1, 2008; p. 3A.

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