Monday, October 6, 2008

I'll agree that there's an audacious whiner in the room.

Taryn McColpin of Denton, Texas, wrote a letter to the editor of The Dallas Morning news about the massive DISD teacher layoffs. I don't know if her problem is jealousy or stupidity, but she definitely has one or the other -- or maybe both.

Earlier in the week, the newspaper had printed an article about the financial impact the district cutbacks would have on those who lose their jobs. The article featured a couple who both work for DISD. Together, they make $100,000 a year. That sounds about right to me for two public school teachers. They have no children. They will both lose their jobs. Of course they are concerned -- their wages will drop from $100,000 to zero until they can find other positions. That may take awhile as DISD has just released a glut of teachers into the market.

Anyway, Taryn says these people are audacious whiners. She says if you have no children, you don't need to make $100,000 a year, and you shouldn't be worried about losing a job. She is infuriated that these people are concerned about their livelihood. She says she and her husband only make $70,000, and they are raising three children. They contend with asthma, allergies, back conditions, unexpected illnesses, and injuries all on one insurance program. I guess teachers who make $100,000 a year never get asthma, allergies, back conditions, unexpected illnesses and injuries. And as far as I know, when they lose their jobs, they'll lose their "one insurance program" as well. Taryn says her family pays $200 a week for gas to commute to jobs that will pay them enough to survive. Maybe Taryn should move a little closer to her job. At any rate, does she think teachers aren't paying high gas prices, too? Does she think it will be easier for them when they lose their jobs?

Taryn summarizes her letter by questioning why these people feel entitled to be worried about a layoff when so many people are so much worse off. I guess she just hasn't picked up on the fact that when these people are making $0 and she is making $70,000, that the audacious whiner is the one with the pen in her hand writing letters to the editor.

"Whining about layoffs at $100K." The Dallas Morning News; October 2, 2008; p. 18A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does Taryn live so far from her job? If she's spending $200 a week for gas, that's $40 a day. $40 will buy at least 10 gallons of gas (and that's estimating the cost per gallon on the high side). If she's getting 20 miles (most cars get more) to the gallon, that's 200 miles. She lives in Denton which is roughly 40 miles from Dallas. Even if she and her husband are driving separate vehicles, that would still be only 160 miles a day. Where in the heck is she working?