Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Cheese Sandwich

I heard a discussion on Fox and Friends Sunday morning that kind of boggled my mind. I missed what school district they were talking about, but it seems that in this district, kids who forget their lunch money or kids whose parents are behind in paying their lunchroom bill are given a cheese sandwich for lunch. The sandwich meets nutritional guidelines as most children don't have enough calcium in their diets.

I was thinking, "That's pretty nice -- they give those kids a free sandwich to make sure they don't go hungry all afternoon." Ah, but I'm thinking like a conservative! In today's world, you have to think like a liberal. You see, by giving those children a free lunch, that mean school district is punishing them. It's embarrassing for them to have a cheese sandwich when the children who paid for their lunches get to have a hot lunch (Mr. Essie May says as he recalls, those hot lunches weren't all that hot anyway). We must stamp out this injustice and give them a hot lunch, too.

I can only assume that the children they are talking about are not poverty-stricken -- all those kids already get free lunches. These are people who are just irresponsible. But "personal responsibility" is a foreign concept now. I deserve what you have, but I don't want to pay for it!

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