Monday, March 30, 2009

If only we could tax . . .

There was an article in last week's newspaper about states facing budget deficits raising sin taxes -- those taxes on cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Consumers are complaining. They say that these are the last vices they have to help them cope with the slumping economy.

I say, in that case, raise away! I cannot imagine how smoking cigarettes and getting drunk will improve anyone's economic situation. These are really smart folks anyway. You know how they protested? The ones in Pittsburgh went out and bought a bunch of booze, then poured it into the river to protest. The ones in Kentucky bought bourbon and poured it on the Capitol's front steps. Duh! If they could just tax stupidity, all our troubles would be over!

"States raise sin taxes to ease budget crunch." The Dallas Morning News; March 25, 2009; p. 5A.

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