Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whichever it is, we're still in trouble!

Texas Representative Joe Barton more or less has told Obama to put up or shut up -- of course, not in those words. Obama held a "fiscal responsibility summit" a few days ago, and Barton reminded him of his promise to seek bipartisanship. He should lean a little on his Congressional allies, Barton said. "It's very easy in the House, since it's set up to get things done quickly if the majority's united, to forget about the minority." Obama's tepid response? "I don't want to interject myself too much into congressional politics."

As Todd Gillman, the Washington bureau chief of The Dallas Morning News, points out, either Obama is afraid of the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or he is a bona fide hypocrite. I think it's probably a 50/50 proposition. Whichever it is, we are in big trouble for the next four years and the subsequent years it takes to straighten out the "change we can believe in."

"Barton presses Obama on real bipartisanship." The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2009; p. 4A.

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