Friday, March 6, 2009

Ultimate reference or blueprint for destruction?

The Dallas Morning News is lauding a new book called One Big Happy Family. It's a book of essays that talk about "truly modern love."

What is truly modern love? Well, it turns out that it's whatever you want it to be. Want an open marriage. Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want a gay marriage. Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want to allow two gay men to adopt a little boy and "build a relationship" with the child's homeless birth mother? Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want to shack up? Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it.

Jenny Block, the author of one of the essays, details her love for another woman "while happily married to her husband." She says, "There's this one plan we're all supposed to follow, this heterosexual, monogamous, child-rearing, one-size-fits-all model that we're all supposed to goose-step into line with. But I can't." She says we owe it to ourselves to figure out what works best for us.

I disagree, Ms. Block! We owe it to ourselves and society to abide by God's heterosexual, monogamous, child-rearing, one-size-fits-all model! What makes you think you're smarter than He is? It's arrogant thinking and degenerate actions like yours that have left our country in the mess it's in. This book is not, as the reviewer describes, "the ultimate reference book for all of us." Instead, it is the blueprint for destruction.

"One home, many doors." The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2009; p. 6E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...