Sunday, May 3, 2009

But he's such a sweet dog!

Yet another case of a baby killed by pit bulls was reported in the news last month. Izaiah Cox, seven months old, was attacked by his grandmother's two pit bulls. Izaiah's grandmother said the child was unattended while she went to the kitchen to get his bottle. What person in his right mind would even have such dogs with children in the house, let alone leave the child with them without supervision? I'm sure Izaiah's grandmother is remorseful, but that's just a little too late for him, isn't it?

Anyone who knows Essie May will tell you that I love dogs. But when a breed is consistently as unpredictable and maliciously violent as the pit bull, we need some restrictions. Obviously, we can't count on common sense from the dogs' owners.

"Grandmother's pit bulls kill baby, hurt her." The Dallas Morning News; April 1, 2009; p. 3A.

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