Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Come one, come all -- then gripe about how bad it is!

Obama was touting all the "cuts" he made in the budget last week. The number he tossed out was miniscule compared to the overall budget anyway, but what he didn't tell you is that those were not really cuts. The bottom line of the budget remains the same. True, some projects and programs were reduced or eliminated, but money that would have been used on those was shifted to other projects. Obama had no cuts -- only shifts.

One of the projects he cut was the Mexican border fence. In 2006, Tulane University and the University of California, Berkeley conducted a study of New Orleans. Since Hurricane Katrina, the hispanic population of New Orleans has grown from 3.3% to 15.2%. This study showed that nearly half the rebuilding work force there was Latino -- at least 54% of them illegal. And that number is growing fast. Dr. Kevin Work estimates he has delivered more than 1,000 illegal babies since Katrina. The study bemoaned the fact that the illegals often fall prey to criminals, because they are known to be paid in cash, and they are afraid to report crimes committed against them for fear of deportation. Wait a minute -- if they are here in violation of our immigration laws, aren't they criminals themselves? And if they are working here and being paid in cash, aren't they further breaking the law? I find it a little hard to feel sorry for them.

But they're so good for our economy, the bleeding hearts say. A November study found New Orleans to be the most violent city in America. They say the police department needs more Spanish-speaking officers. They have opened a school to teach illegal children English. No questions are asked regarding immigration status. Who is paying for that? Not the illegals who get paid under the table, that's for sure.

Ah, but life is so hard for the poor immigrants. The director of the Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in New Orleans says the number of hispanics in treatment there has increased from six before Katrina to fifty in the last year. Who is paying for that? Not the illegals who get paid under the table, that's for sure.

And when Jose and Pedro get sick, where do they go? To the ER, of course. Who is paying for that? Not the illegals who get paid under the table, that's for sure.

Poor Arturo came here illegally three years ago from Guatemala. Poor Arturo says he has little money to send home since construction work has dried up. Poor Arturo says, "A lot of people start getting addicted. Maybe they have a wife, wondering, waiting. You can lose your family at home. While you lose yourself in New Orleans." I have a suggestion for Poor Arturo. Get the heck back to Guatemala if it's so bad here!

Ronald Reagan is famous for his, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall" quote. But I'm pretty sure that if he were here, he would be one of the first to stand up and say, "Mr. Obama, build that fence!" It's imperative for our security and for our economy!

"Opportunity comes at a cost for immigrants." The Dallas Morning News; December 27, 2008; p. 4A.

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