Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's put the pressure on early!

In going through some old newspapers, I came across a photo I find a bit disturbing. It was in a report about the National Cheerleaders Association national championship finals at the Dallas Convention Center.

One of the photos was of elementary school cheerleaders. I don't have a problem with elementary kids doing a little cheerleading. I'm sure it's fun for them. What I do have a problem with is sending them to competitions at such a young age. What I do have a problem with is tarting them up like little harlots. What I do have a problem with is them doing lifting stunts when their little bodies are probably not developed enough to handle them. All of these things were exhibited in the photograph.

Come on, parents! Let your kids be innocent little kids. Quit pushing so hard!

"Spreading good cheer." The Dallas Morning News; December 30, 2008; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the little girl we saw at the bowling alley last weekend...not the tarted up part, but not allowing a kid to be a kid. This little girl was maybe six or seven years old and was bowling better than a 100 on each game. I was impressed and asked her how long she had been bowling and she said two years. I said, "That's great! You're really good!" Towards the end of the game, I realized it wasn't so great. I saw the girl's mother and father repeatedly get on to her when she wasn't making good throws. Instead of positive reinforcement and guidance, they were yelling at the made me sick. The worst was when the little girl wanted to turn around backwards and throw the ball through her legs like a granny shot...what little kid doesn't want to do that?! The parents then said, "You will not waste a good practice!" Wow..what's wrong with people?