Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Typhoid Mary Family of Maryland

Have you seen the lists of states with confirmed cases of swine flu? If you have, you won't find Maryland on there. However, there are eight probable cases in Maryland, and it's all Obama's fault.

One of the federal agents who made the trip to Mexico with Obama in April contracted the flu there. He came home to Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and spread the virus to his family. Agent Marc Griswold says his family has been the center of panic in his neighborhood. "We're not the Typhoid Mary family, for goodness sake," he said. Maybe he should talk to VP Joe Biden, who wouldn't let his family ride a subway or take a plane for fear of the flu, about spreading panic. At any rate, the White House assured everyone that the President was safe. Do they really think the Messiah is susceptible to common swine flu? Surely not!

"Agent, part of Obama detail, infected family." The Dallas Morning News; May 1, 2009; p. 15A.

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