Sunday, December 13, 2009

It must be mad Cowtown disease.

The City of Fort Worth, known for its cowboy heritage and rugged individualism spirit, has lost its mind. The City Manager has endorsed a recommendation from a "diversity task force" that the city include in its insurance plan benefits for sex-change operations.

According to the newspaper, this recommendation and 19 others were "greeted warmly" by City officials. But take heart: there are still sane people there. Stephanie Klick, The Tarrant County Republican Party Chairman said that this was evidence of liberal policies run amok, and that the policy change lacked common sense.

Assistant City Manager Fernando Costa said, "We pride ourselves in being an inclusive community." God said we're not to include some people -- II Timothy 3:1-9. Maybe Fernando shouldn't be quite so proud of himself.

This also made me wonder about Obama Care. Wonder if we'll all be forced to pay for sex-change operations under that fiasco. Knowing Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, I'd say it's a sure thing.

"Funding for sex changes?" The Dallas Morning News; November 5, 2009; p. 1B.

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