Saturday, December 5, 2009

What a Wicked World!

Did you know that it is not against the law in Texas for a parent to expose his children to pornography? How stupid is that?

This absurdity came to light when a divorced mother learned from her small daughters that on a visit to their father, he woke them in the middle of the night to show them a hardcore film. The police investigated, but learned from the District Attorney that the man could not be charged. Tati Santiesteban, is an El Paso Democrat and criminal defense attorney. He said, "Who in the hell is the government to come and tell me what I can show to my children?" It's the same government that can tell you you can't beat them! Duh!

"Law allowing parents to show porn targeted." The Dallas Morning News; October 29, 2009; p. 13A.

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