Monday, November 22, 2010

Nanny Government, please take care of me.

Back in October, the Girl Scouts were in negotiation with the American company that makes all their uniforms. The Girl Scouts said they were looking at all their options, and that it was possible that they would not renew a contract with Jackie Evans Inc. Such a move would be devastating for the company as the Girl Scouts organization is its only customer.

So what was the reaction of Domenick Monaco, the son of the owner? He said his company was looking at ways to come up with a bid including "seeking grants or government help to keep prices competitive." Nanny Government, I can't do this by myself!

I guess the Monacos haven't learned the old saw about not putting all ones eggs in one basket. Instead of seeking a government bailout, why didn't he say, "You know, there are lots of other places out there that need uniforms -- let's do some research and see if we can't replace this contract with another." Monaco says the end of the Girl Scout contract will mean the end of his business. If he has no more gumption or creativity than that, I wonder how he's stayed in business as long as he has.

I have since read that the Girl Scouts will be signing a new contract with the company. Guess the taxpayers won't have to bail this one out -- at least for another year or so.

"Possible loss of Girl Scouts' contract threatens factory." The Dallas Morning News; October 30, 2010; p. 6A.

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