Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a great place!

The Dallas Morning News is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for entertainment venues to review. Special Contributor Sarah Perry recently reviewed the Crazy Horse Saloon in Denton. Maybe I'm just an old stick-in-the-mud, but it sounds like the last place on earth I'd want to spend some leisure time.

"The bar is filled with smoke so thick, it clings to your clothes for days." Sounds like my kind of place!

". . .a silver-haired man sits alone sipping on a pitcher of cheap American beer." Sounds like my kind of place!

" . . .a man with a rebel flag bandanna stretched across his head flicks ashes onto the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!

"Every week, the regulars return to drink the same beer and hear the same man sing the same songs." Sounds like my kind of place!

"They aren't bothered by the two men holding hands or the two women two-stepping across the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!

Eddie, the owner, "wears dusty jeans and smudged tennis shoes . . .and he's missing a tooth or two." Sounds like my kind of place!

Richard, the entertainer, is gay. "He strutted across the stage and cooed Britney Spears tunes, sometimes stripping down to his skivvies." ("And if you could see the picture of this guy, you'd agree that's a pretty disgusting vision). Sounds like my kind of place!

Some of the regulars at the bar include "an Elvis impersonator, a straight couple and their son, a lesbian couple, a white woman and her biracial daughter, and a boisterous black woman with claws tattooed on her breast." Sounds like my kind of place!

"Richard steps to the stage. . .Eddie's drunk enough to sing with Richard." Sounds like my kind of place!

Eugenia Crawford, 28, swings across the dance floor with the woman she calls her friend, and her muscles ripple with every turn." Sounds like my kind of place!

So . . . if you like sitting around on barrel bottoms, the Crazy Horse sure sounds like your kind of place.

"Room for All." The Dallas Morning News; October 24, 2010; p. 1E.

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