Monday, November 1, 2010

Where did he get it?

James Willie Jones of Lake Mary, Florida, had enough. His 13-year-old daughter who has cerebral palsy was bullied on the school bus by a bunch of little heathens. They smacked her on the back of the head, twisted her ear, called her names, and hit her with an open condom.

James Willie was arrested for disorderly conduct when he got on the bus and told the little heathens in no uncertain terms that his daughter better not be assaulted again. What he did may not have been politically correct, but he's not a small man, and I'll just bet those little heathens would rather walk across hot coals than bother that little girl again. Despite what all the do-gooders say, sometimes the only way to handle a bully is to show him there's a bigger bully than he is in the crowd (there's a foreign policy lesson in there, too, but that's for another post).

Anyway, my question in this whole thing is, did the bully get that condom from the school nurse?

"'I was a bully . . . and I apologize.'" The Dallas Morning News; September 22, 2010; p. 10A.

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