Wednesday, November 17, 2010

State if it's Texas -- Federal if it's Arizona

It seems our Department of Homeland Security Secretary can't make up her mind. We all know the federal government has filed a lawsuit against Arizona for their attempts to enforce immigration law. "It's the federal government's role, and the state is interfering," they said.

But it seems Janet Napolitano has changed her mind. When Governor Rick Perry asked for more troops to patrol the border, she said he could forget about it. "He is a governor. He always has the ability, in a way, to bring up National Guard, if he's willing to pay for them." She said the National Guard is not designed "to be a substitute for civilian law enforcement."

Does this mean they're dropping the ridiculous lawsuit against Arizona? You can't have it both ways, Madame Secretary!

"Napolitano steadfast against Perry's plea for more troops." The Dallas Morning News; September 18, 2010; p. 3A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we should ALL remind her of that!!