Thursday, November 25, 2010

No Turkey Day

Duncan Spinner of Dallas wants us all to have a vegan Thanksgiving. He says that the tradition of the President pardoning a turkey is not enough -- we should all do the same by having a "non-violent," turkeyless, no-animal product Thanksgiving.

He says this gesture would show compassion for the animals. His Thanksgiving dinner will include a tofu/wheatmeat "turkey," acorn squash with stuffing, and lentil croquettes. Yum! Isn't your mouth just watering?

As for me and my house, we are very thankful that God provided us turkeys to roast (Genesis 9:3), cranberries to make sauce from, yeast and flour for steamy melt-in-your mouth rolls, Campbell's soup for that good old green bean casserole, whipped cream and pecans for those delicious rich desserts, and a little more sense than old Duncan has.

Seriously, we are extremely grateful for all God's many blessings, and we pray you have a joyous and safe Thanksgiving with family and friends. Now excuse me while I go to the kitchen and inhale that beautiful roast turkey aroma.

"A vegan Thanksgiving." The Dallas Morning News; November 22, 2010; p. 12A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"tofu/wheatmeat "turkey," acorn squash with stuffing, and lentil croquettes"...that has GOT to be a JOKE?!