Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just between you, me, and the fencepost . . .

Have you noticed how many newscasters, preachers, politicians, celebrities, print journalists, and talk show hosts say, "Between you and I . . ." or "for he and I . . ." ? Doesn't that drive you nuts? These people should know all about nominative and objective cases. On the other hand, if they are correct and I am wrong, just think how many familiar things we'll have to change.


  • Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village, though. He will not see I stopping here . . .

  • It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden, she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by I.

Bible passages:

  • . . .I will fear no evil, for Thou art with I . . . Surely goodness and mercy will follow I all the days of my life . . .

  • A certain man had two sons; and the younger of they said to his father, "Father, give I the portion of goods that falleth to I."

  • . . .that whosoever believeth in He should not perish . . .


  • I will follow he, follow he wherever he may go . . .

  • But, darling, most of all, I love how you love I . . .

  • Jesus loves I this I know for the Bible tells I so . . .

  • Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree, it's been three long years, do you still want I . . .

Football Cheers:

  • Push 'ey back, push 'ey back, way back!

  • Hit 'ey again, hit 'ey again, harder, harder!

  • Give we a C, give we an A, give we a T, give we an S -- Gooooooo Cats!

Do you suppose all the professionals think it somehow sounds rural to say "between him and me"? I can't think of any other explanation, but as for me, I'd rather sound rural and be right than be a pseudo-intellectual and be wrong!

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