Wednesday, February 6, 2008

You want fries with that?

Ya' know what bugs me? When we go to a restaurant, and the server (I still call them waiters and waitresses, but I know that's hopelessly un-pc) says, "What can I get for you guys?" Now I am the first to admit that I have far less in the chest area than most women, but I think it's still pretty obvious that I'm not a guy. I keep threatening to respond, "No boobs -- guy; boobs -- no guy."

What irritates me even more is the paying the tab question, "Do you guys need change?" "Oh, did you not do well in math? Just a minute and I'll figure it for you. Let's see, the bill is $24.38, and I gave you a $10 bill and a $20 bill -- that's $30. $30 minus $24.38 is $5.62. Yeah, looks like I need change -- $5.62. Usually on a $24.38 bill, I leave a $5.62 tip, but since I had to calculate the change for you, I get the tip."

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