Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wait just a sec, Mr. Burglar, I'll be right with you . . .

Since the Supreme Court has said Washington, D.C. can't ban handguns outright, D.C. legislators have come up with a plan with these restrictions:

1) handguns may be used for self-defense only in the home
2) they must carry fewer than 12 rounds of ammunition
3) they must be kept unloaded
4) they must be disassembled or be equipped with trigger locks.

I can see it now -- I wake up in the middle of the night and hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I wake up Mr. Essie May. He hears it, too. Suddenly, the bedroom door bursts open, and a man with a gun rushes in. Mr. Essie May yells, "Freeze! And stay that way until I get the cylinder put on this gun and the bullets loaded!"

Would you like to know how it would really happen at our house in Texas? As soon as I woke Mr. Essie May, he would have the loaded .38 out of the nightstand, and that armed burglar would be dead before he was two feet inside the door! Praise God for Texas and Smith & Wesson -- Oh, and Mr. Essie May, too!

"Council to vote on gun law." The Dallas Morning News; July 15, 2008; p. 6A.


Anonymous said...

The blessing for Mr. Essie May should have come first!You made him an afterthought!

Anonymous said...

I don't think they'll get a clue until they are the victims of such a crime. Only then will their lack of thinking and logic come to light!