Monday, July 21, 2008

Will values class work?

I don't know too much about Sunnyvale, Texas, but I do know they need a new principal at the middle school and a new school superintendent. Here's the story:

In September, a bunch of 8th-grade boys simulated a lewd act in the locker room. Some of the 7th-grade boys didn't understand what was going on, so the 8th-grade boys began to make fun of them. This progressed to the younger boys being grabbed and held down. Then it progressed to organized attacks with lookouts. As the victims would try to fend off their attackers, the attackers would try to strip off their shorts. One of the 8th-graders would slide his fist into a hard plastic cone and attempt to sodomize the victims. These attacks continued through April.

In late March, some of the boys told their parents about what had been happening. The parents went to Principal Diana Freeman. Her "investigation" concluded that nothing beyond bullying was taking place. Sunnyvale ISD Superintendent Doug Williams verified the accounts of the attacks, but he said "We tried to be as proactive as possible to stop these things when we heard about them." Yet at least one other attack occurred after the "proactive" measures were instituted. How "proactive" do you have to be to provide supervision and punish the perpetrators of these crimes? Does "proactive" include failure to call authorities until May? Because that's when the Dallas County Sheriff's Department first heard of these atrocities. And then they didn't get it from the school authorities -- it came from the parents.

The sheriff's department is recommending prosecution. The school district is implementing "values-based" class to help students make "good choices." Give me a break! These sexual predators didn't just steal a Twinkie from some nerd's lunchbox! They, at the very least, committed attempted rape!

Mr. Williams says, "It is flat upsetting both as a parent and as a school official that things like this could happen." Just upsetting? What an understatement! How about horrific, unconscionable, unlawful, devastating, and absolutely inexcusable?!!!!!

"Witness recounts attacks on his peers by older students." The Dallas Morning News; July 19, 2008; P. 1A.


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Principal Freeman and Superintendent Williams would have taken such a mild approach to the attacks had it happened to their own children?

Anonymous said...

Oh Essie Mae you know boys will be boys!!

Anonymous said...

What if one of the victims was a school board member's son? Atrocious!!
And still nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

Here is the email string between a Sunnyvale resident, Superintendent Williams and Sgt. Jacks of the Dallas County Sheriff that result in the police investigation.

Mr. Williams,

For the past two weeks a great deal of talk has circulated in the community about a possible sexual assault that took place at the end of May in the Sunnyvale Middle School. I have heard several variations of the alleged incident but the common theme in each is that three eighth grade boys sodomized two seventh grade boys in the boys locker room. Also, that this alleged incident was witnessed and stopped by a teacher.

The point of this email is to ask you the following questions:

1. Did a sexual assault, similar to what was described, take place at the school?

2. Have the police been notified as required by law?

I would be the first to agree that community talk and the rumor mill can quickly spiral out of control and take on a life of its own. That may well be the case here. None the less, I have heard of this incident from enough people both in and close to the school to the point that there appears to be some credibility to what is being said. I'm sure the community would appreciate a statement from the school on this matter.

Thank you,

(name withheld)

Mr. (name withheld),
Thank you for your concern and for notifying me of the rumors that seem

to be persisting. We were alerted to the rumors and went to extreme
measures to get accurate information of exactly what was happening.
Students were questioned by middle school administrators and we did
that some students had been picking on other students, but there was no

criminal activities involved. Measures have been put in place to make
sure students refrain from picking on the younger kids and that further

incidents do not occur.

I hope this answers your questions. I encourage you to refer any one
with questions or concerns to call or email me.


Doug Williams

We have not been notified nor taken any reports in regards to a sexual assault at the school, or in Sunnyvale in reference to what is being mentioned.

Russell Jacks # 337
Public Safety Coordinator
Dallas County Sheriff 's Department
Patrol Division
Sunnyvale Patrol Center
537 Long Creek Rd.

Thank you, Sgt. Jacks.
My only concern here is the safety of these children. I find it worrisome that the only
investigation done was performed in house by school administrators
that did not involve law enforcement personnel present. It was my impression
that any concern,talk or knowledge of a sexual assault on a child in a school
setting warranted police involvement and was required to be reported by schools/teachers.
I wasn't aware that they arbitrarily determine criminal activity on their own.

I understand your concerns.I spoke with Mr. Williams and just as you said, at that point it was merely concern and talk of a possible sexual assault. Mr. Williams assured if during their investigation they would have received information that indicated an offense had occurred, we would have immediately been notified. RESPONSE TO JACKS:Sgt. Jacks, I do not believe the school has the legal option to do their own investigation and decide yes or no. I am going to put the question to the Dallas County District Attorneys office. In essence, the DCS department is taking a school administrators word that no illegality took place. Correct? I doubt that standard would be applied to any other possible criminal activity by any person or group. What does "received information" mean? If no ones talking it never happened and it's hear no evil see no evil? This is a possible sexual assault on a child, not the theft of a bicycle. I doubt that a seventh grade boy is going to be inclined to be relating an act against his person that involved being pinned to the floor, sodomized and humiliated. Especially if a teacher, administrator or coach told them to shut up about it. Is that so difficult to see? There are people in this community who are not going to let this rest until a thorough investigation is done by a law enforcement entity or child protection agency. Applying a principle of reasonable behavior, the schools actions have been anything but reasonable and prudent. Reasonable behavior would suggest the immediate involvement of law enforcement for the protection of the staff and the children. Reasonable behavior would indicate notification to parents. Did either of those things happen? No, they did not. I'll let you know what the DCDA has to say. JACKS RESPONSE THE NEXT DAY: After talking with my supervisors and the Criminal Investigation supervisor we are going to open an investigation.

Anonymous said...

The 8th graders offense is deplorable, but in my opinion the
even greater fault lies with the
adults. The superintendent, Doug
Williams, the principal, Diane Freeman, the coach who walked in on
the assault, the teachers who kept quiet, and particularly the Sunnyvale School Board, who all tried to keep this quiet and chose to protect the name of the school instead of the children. Had this been stopped in the beginning, perhaps it would never have gone this far and children would not have been harmed. All the children were harmed either by actual contact or by fear and intimidation.
Shame on you, all. You don't deserve to be in charge of the care of the children of Sunnyvale. You have betrayed their trust. Because of that, many have lost their innocence. Again, Shame on you, all.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me most is that Dr. Freeman, Mr. Williams, Coaches Krone and Wright and the Sunnyvale School Board wrote this off as "bullying"!! How ignorant is that?!!!! It is sexual molestation in the purest form of the term. It still appals me that these perpetrators will be allowed back in the school building this year. Not one of the perps was suspended, or even put in ISS or given even a detention. They were allowed to go on a field trip at the end of the school year to Hurricane Harbor. And as far as the school leaders not allowing these boys to attend atheletic camps - one boy for sure was at the football strength and conditioning camp the entire 6 weeks and while Coach Wright had his head stuck in the boy's Mercedes window visiting with his mom, who was in the locker room watching this little perp? I made sure my son stayed outside of the locker room until that kid was no longer on the school premises. So Sunnyvale is not handling it, they are simply hoping it will go away. I can only hope the District Attorney's office does it's job better than the Sunnyvale ISD has.

Anonymous said...

Until Brad Cravens and his six puppets are thrown out nothing at that school will change. It's sad really. A lot of qualified, caring people will not have anything to do with running for the school board because of the ugly, vicious behavior of these people. The culture at the school is deplorable.Quality, experienced teachers are leaving as fast as they can. Wake up Sunnyvale!