Friday, March 26, 2010

Remove your filter, Leonard!

Leonard Pitts wrote an editorial the other day about people who ignore the facts in any given situation. He said they have "fact filters." He uses as examples people who don't believe that Obama was born in Hawaii and people who don't believe that the planet is warming.

Has he read the news lately? I still haven't seen incontrovertible proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. In fact, I've seen more evidence to the contrary. As for global warming -- it seems Mr. Pitts is filtering out all the manipulation, lies, and made-up "science" that has been revealed in the last few months. Not to mention one of the coldest, snowiest winters we've had in decades.

Remove your filters, Leonard!

"Remove your fact filters." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2010; p. 13A.

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