Monday, March 29, 2010

So what's the difference?

Did you hear about the three Los Angeles elementary school teachers who lost their classroom jobs? They were instructed to have their children participate in a Black History Month parade. They had to give the children signs with pictures of black role models on them. These teachers handed out signs with Dennis Rodman, O. J. Simpson, and RuPaul.

The parents were indignant. They wanted positive role models! One they specifically named was Nelson Mandela (of the African National Congress and husband of Winnie who participated in the grossest torture of human beings imaginable). They also didn't complain about their children carrying a role model sign of child molester, drug abuser, and all-around freak Michael Jackson. The district spokeswoman said, "The superintendent will not let anyone make a mockery out of Black History Month." Well, isn't O. J. a part of black history? Isn't Dennis Rodman a part of black history? History is history -- the good and the bad. You can't take one without the other.

"Three LA teachers removed over choice of black heroes." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2010; p. 5

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