Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And these nuts are mad as hatters, too.

I saw a CSI episode one time about furries. I thought it was an entirely made up thing. I was wrong. Furries are grown people who dress up like cartoon animals. According to the CSI episode, it's more than just dress-up -- it's a disgusting sex fetish thing.

Anyway, Dallas hosted a Furry Fiesta last month. More than 2000 of these nut jobs showed up dressed like bunny rabbits, coyotes, wolves, -- you name it. Steve Dailey of Seattle is 43 years old. He says, "It's just fun to dress up like a big stuffed animal." Right, Steve. What happened to you that arrested your development? He insists it's not a sexual thing. So if that's the case, why do they have erotic art available for viewing at these gatherings?

Another furry says that "You have dreams where you are a wolf, and boom, now you're one." I guess my dream states aren't as deep as hers. I've never dreamed I was an animal. And if I did, I would make an appointment with a good psychiatrist first thing the next morning.

Daniel Barron says everyone has his quirks. "How do you define normal?" Well, Daniel, I'm not exactly sure what normal is, but I'm darn sure what it's not!

"Costumed critters show their wild side." The Dallas Morning News; February 20, 2010; p. 1B.

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