Monday, August 9, 2010

Bet you didn't know that . . .

Bet you didn't know that a church secretary in Dallas exchanged a series of sex-themed emails with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor. How do I know about it? The church secretary was fired and filed a discrimination suit against Friendship-West Baptist Church. Its pastor, Frederick D. Haynes III, is black and the secretary is hispanic. She met Wright during one of his Dallas trips, and their sexual correspondence began then. Wright is Haynes' "mentor."

If this had been George W. Bush's pastor, don't you think it would have been front-page news? Instead, it's buried on the second page of the local section in an article about the secretary's lawsuit. I think the paper should have been reporting about the emails more than the lawsuit. And we probably heard about it only because the secretary was from Dallas. Where's the national media on this?

"Church settles suit over firing." The Dallas Morning News; July 17, 2010; p. 2B.


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. You quote a "News source" for this alleged story. Then you say, "If it was George Bush's Pastor it would have been all over the news" Your telling me that somebody, anybody can shut down a REAL news story? Your a fool if you believe that. Not to mention, why would Obama protect a CHurch pastor? You think thats all he does is watch for "damaging" news stories of anyone he has ever been associated with? Where is Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck with this "breaking news"?
Democrat or Republican its all the same. You tell me anything the Evil Barrack Obama did, I will tell you an exact incident involving any 1 of the last 3 Republicans the two Bush's and Reagan. Its all the same! Open your eyes. Did you know that the Bush's are close business associates of Osama Bin Laudens father?

Essie May said...

Well, I do believe you're another one who got "left behind" on the education issue. And, yes, someone can shut down a real news story. In the world of politics, it's done all the time. If you'd read a few books, you might see that. Why would Obama protect a church pastor? To cover his own rear, of course. I guess the fact that Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh aren't "on it" kind of proves my point -- they most likely don't know about it, because it's not been reported in the mainstream media. You want something the "Evil Barrack Obama" [your term, not mine, but I do know how to spell his name] did? He's ramming his socialist agenda down our throats even though the vast majority of Americans don't want it. He's standing up for an imam who wants to institute Sharia law in the U.S. Can't say either of the Bushes or Reagan ever did that. It's not all the same, Sweetcheeks -- if you don't see that, you've been blinded by the Obama mystique. So, show me some proof that the Bushes are "close business associates of the Bin Ladens." Talk about conspiracy theories! You're a big ol' joke!