Thursday, August 12, 2010

Get your free coverage now!

The headline blares "New rules grant free preventive coverage." Now, everyone knows that nothing is free -- it may be free to you, but somebody somewhere absorbs the cost.

What's being touted is Obama's directive that medical insurance must cover preventive care with no out of pocket expense for the consumer. This includes counseling for kids, vaccines, cancer screenings, and other services for no co-pay, deductible or coinsurance.

But several paragraphs into the article, we find out that it is, indeed, not really free. "Premiums will go up by 1.5 percent on average, as spending for the services is spread across an entire pool of insured people." Add that 1.5 percent increase to the increase to cover no lifetime caps and the increase to cover no pre-existing conditions and all the other increases that are expected. We're all going to be wondering what happened to "affordable" health care!

"New rules grant free preventive coverage." The Dallas Morning News; July 15, 2010; p. 5A.

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