Sunday, January 16, 2011

Book Burning on the Horizon

Well, I see where the pc folks are removing the word "nigger" from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain must be spinning in his grave.

I wonder why they're picking on just him. Why aren't they removing the offensive word from To Kill a Mockingbird or Gone With the Wind or any number of other classics?

Anybody who has read Twain's books knows that he uses the word as it was used in that time -- to show how Jim was treated. A great deal of meaning will be lost by substituting "slave" in its place. But we must be pc even if it changes the whole drift of a brilliant author.

Several years ago, I bought a volume of Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus Tales, because I knew at some point it would probably be outlawed, or they'd change it to Mister Rabbit and Mister Fox and get rid of all the old Negro dialect. My advice to you is, if you have a favorite classic that mentions race in any way, you better go ahead and get you a good copy before they're all burned by the liberal folks.

"N-word removed from literary classics." The Dallas Morning News; January 7, 2011; p. 2E.

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