Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's getting worse.

I've written before about how strange it seems to me that the only beautiful gardens and homes the newspaper can find to report on in the "Home and Garden" section happen to belong to gay couples. It's always irritated me, but I still read the articles, because I have to admit that many of the homes and gardens are, indeed, extremely beautiful.

But it's getting worse. If they want to report on the homes and the gardens, great. But why must we now be subjected to a photo of the "partners" cuddled up together? I say enough is enough! Quit throwing that abominable stuff in our faces!

"It's a jungle out there." The Dallas Morning News; January 13, 2011; p. 1E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same about "Styling Steve" on Fox 4...he's on right now as I'm typing this. I am apalled they have him as a part of their morning show. NOT a good way to start my day! Thank goodness for a remote to TURN HIM OFF!