Saturday, January 22, 2011

UFP's sighted!

Look out your window! Do you see them? It's flying pigs! Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price and I agree on something!

Price recently spent some time down at the Dallas County jail observing the procedure for visits to inmates. The rules say that any one visitor may see an inmate only once a week. The inmate is allowed three total visits in a week. John Wiley observed the same visitors coming several times a week in violation of the policy. He said officers are spending countless hours escorting inmates to and from visiting booths every day, and that's a severe drain on resources during a budget crisis.

So he's having computers brought in to track the number of times a person visits. And he's cutting visits from three per week to two (The state mandates at least two. Our state legislators need to look into changing that to two visits per month).

I never thought you would see these words flow from Essie's pen, but . . . "You, go, John Wiley!"

"Jail visits reduced to lift staff burden." The Dallas Morning News; January 14, 2011; p. 1B.

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