Thursday, November 10, 2011

Backward Philosophies

It seems today as if most people have backward philosophies. I've posted before on the change in the sentencing laws for crack cocaine violations. Until recently, crack cocaine possession and/or distribution garnered the offender a more severe sentence than a similar violation with powder cocaine. So instead of increasing the sentences for powder cocaine, they decreased the sentences for crack.

As these new guidelines are implemented retroactively, thousands of drug offenders will be released before their sentences are served. Jim Wade, the federal public defender says, "We're trying to make sure you don't serve one more day than necessary." Society would be better off if his philosophy instead were, "We're trying to make sure you don't serve one day less than you deserve."

"Change in crack sentencing to free thousands." The Dallas Morning News; November 2, 2011; p. 6A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is some very scary logic out there!