Saturday, November 12, 2011

I was curious.

One of the organizers of the Occupy Dallas protesters is Kooper Caraway. He was quoted as saying, "I would like an end to all U.S. foreign wars. I would like the immediate end of all deportations of people who come here to work. I would like an immediate end to privatized university systems and all public universities be nationalized so tuition would be free or taxpayer-funded."

Sounds like Kooper is a bit naive, but I was curious, so I decided to find out a little about him. He's 20 years old, and he ran for mayor of Mt. Pleasant this past year (He lost -- he garnered 17 votes to his opponent's almost 500). He claims to be a Libertarian, yet he wants to take away choice (no private universities) and he wants to turn our public universities over to federal control and take my money to pay someone else's tuition. That doesn't sound at all like Libertarian philosophy to me. I don't think Ron Paul would agree with him on those points, either.

Kooper wants to protect Mt. Pleasant residents from banks and big corporations. He doesn't say how he wants to do that, but it's plain that he thinks these poor ignorant hicks who live there aren't capable of conducting their own business affairs. I found a clip where Kooper was leading some sort of protest rally in Dallas. Kooper is not a black man, yet the inflections in his voice and his hand gestures made me think of the drug dealer in the 'hood. He mostly repeated himself over and over in the 2 minute video, railing against the "white-ist agenda." Again, these things don't sound very libertarian to me. 

Another interesting thing I found -- or rather didn't find. I can't find a driver's license under the name of Kooper Caraway or Cooper Caraway. And despite him having been on the ballot in a Mt. Pleasant City election, I couldn't find a voter registration record for him. I wonder if Kooper Caraway is his real name, and if it is, why can't I find these documents? Wouldn't it be interesting if the news media did a little digging into Kooper's background?

At any rate, I'm pretty sure even Kooper doesn't know what he is -- a silly socialist who's not half as smart as he thinks.

"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; October 16, 2011; p. 1P.


Anonymous said...

The ignorant one here, is you. Kooper is wise beyond his years. Beacause you don't agree with his views, doesn't mean you have to childishly deride him.

Essie May said...

Wise beyond his years? LOL! That's a good one, Kooper. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to let us in on why you don't have a drivers license or voter registration record.

Kooper Caraway said...

Soooo the reason you had trouble finding the documents you were looking for..( Cough STALKER cough) is because my full name is Carlton Kooper Caraway. Ive never been fond of my 1st name so I go by Kooper. ALSO I AM a socialist. However, I was supported by the Titus County Libertarian Party as well as the Green and Democratic Parties. Thanks for your interest. P.s. I got 22 votes, give credit where credit is due.

Essie May said...

Very interesting -- still can't find a voter registration. Are you a registered voter?

And I apologize by understating the number of idiots in Mount Pleasant by 5.

Essie May said...

Incidentally, Carlton, libertarianism and socialism are on the extreme opposites of the political spectrum.

Unknown said...

@ Essie May saying:

Not really. Libertarians can end up such wide range from say Tea party fellows all the way to the right and, this young fighting man.

Like the way the word proprietarian can be used from different angles. Of course socialist I can respect much more than super selfish less than a percent who are destroying the planet completely for their lust for money

Essie May said...

And we see how intelligent the supporters of Mr. Carlton Caraway are. LOL! What a bunch of losers! I'll wager that neither Mr. Caraway nor Behrooz is gainfully employed.