Sunday, November 13, 2011

How Unfair!

We are just so unfair in this country! Maribel Arellano of Irving thinks we're so unfair that she's suing.

Maribel has been in this country illegally for 21 years. Authorities found out she was here when she was stopped for a traffic violation in 2008. Since she was not legal, I feel confident in saying she didn't have a drivers license, so she shouldn't have been driving, either. She is fighting her deportation order.

But what really has Maribel steamed is that she must wear an electronic monitoring device. She said she is humiliated by the device. I guess Maribel and I have different sets of values, but what I'd find humiliating is that I was caught living in a country where I had no business to be. She says wearing the monitor is cruel and unusual punishment. If that's the case, why doesn't she go back to Mexico where the government is known for its compassion and justice?

I don't understand why an illegal is given standing to sue our government anyway. That's absurd. If they don't like the way our government operates, we'll gladly show them the border. But here's the icing on this particular cake -- Maribel has borne seven children in the 21 years she's been here. The reporter doesn't say, but would you like to take bets on who pays to support those children? Now that, amigos, is what's unfair!

"Federal suit targets ankle monitors." The Dallas Morning News; November 10, 2011; p. 1B.


Anonymous said...

It just burns my biscuits! Round 'em all up and send 'em back!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting my thoughts down with succinctness and tact. NICE!

Joe Gensle said...

For room 'n board and $100/week for spending money, I think they should take us old veterans without families (55+), arm us with night scopes, and put us on the border.... Trailers, tents, portable 'dorms,' fine with me.