Friday, February 3, 2012

Constitutional Law or Sharia Law?

A Denver Federal Appeals Court ruled that Muneer Awad has the right to sue to block an Oklahoma law that prohibits Islamic law from being considered in Oklahoma courts. Awad said, "This is an important reminder that the Constitution is the last line of defense against a rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry . . ." I guess he means that same Constitution that he's trying to subjugate to his heretical religious law. . . the law that allows a father to kill his daughter if he feels she has dishonored the family or become too "westernized." If the Muslim can use Sharia law as a defense, then he can be exonerated for killing an infidel (that's you or me or any other Christian). He can be exonerated for beating his wife. He can be exonerated for any other of a number of things that are crimes in this country. What do you think would happen if a Christian judge used the Bible to excuse someone who beat a homosexual? He would be vilified and disbarred at the very least. And so also should those judges who sit on that Denver court.

"Oklahoma ban on Islamic law discriminates, court says." The Dallas Morning News; January 11, 2012; p. 7A.

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