Sunday, February 26, 2012

What if . . .?

What if Marcus Phillips, a white convicted felon, went into a convenience store owned by a black man and grabbed the cash register? And what if the black clerk at the convenience store grabbed a shotgun and chased him out of the store? And what if Marcus fought with the clerk and the clerk ended up shooting him in the chest and killing him?

And what if white people started protesting six days a week in front of the convenience store? And what if they claimed in their protests that the black businessman charged unreasonable prices and was disrespectful to white people? And what if the white protestors actually stopped customers at the driveway and told them, "You cannot cross this picket line. This is an official protest. This man does price-gouging. He killed a man. We need you to move on"?

And what if the protestors said, in effect, that white people were too stupid to realize that the black business owner was taking advantage of them? And what if the leader of the protest was a member of the KKK and said the black business had to go, and in fact, all black businesses in white neighborhoods had to go? And what if one of the white City Council members targeted the business, ordering numerous inspections and scrutiny from city boards?

Do you think the news media and liberals would be outraged? Do you think Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would show up to denounce such reprehensible behavior?

Now let's switch the races and see what actually is going on. Marcus is a black man. The store owner and his clerk are Korean-American. The protestors are black, and they have actually said that Koreans are not welcome in their neighborhood. They are actually blocking this man's business and intimidating his customers. Yet we haven't heard even one outcry of "Discrimination" or "Racism" against the protestors. The newspaper article doesn't include one word in condemnation of the protestors. Where are the liberals? Where is the MLK philosophy of not judging a man by the color of his skin? I guess that only applies if the man is black.

"Race issues spark gas station protest." The Dallas Morning News; February 6, 2012; p. 1A.

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