Saturday, February 11, 2012


You are now entitled to visit any merchant in the City of Dallas and walk out of his store with up to $49.99 in merchandise. Effective January 5, the Dallas police will no longer respond to shoplifting calls for shoplifters who take less than $50 in merchandise.

There are exceptions:

1) . . .if the suspected shoplifter has outstanding warrants -- I'm sure when the merchant asks, the shoplifter will answer that one truthfully.

2) . . . if the suspect cannot be identified -- I guess as long as he shows you his ID, he's free to go. Of course, some of these people who are pitching fits about showing ID at the ballot box will probably claim that's discriminatory -- that poor shoplifters can't afford a picture ID.

3) . . . if the retailer wants to file a criminal trespass notice -- does that mean the thief gets to keep what he shoplifted this time, but he just can't come back?

Methinks the whole world hath gone crazy!

"Shoplifting policy is changed." The Dallas Morning News; December 31, 2011; p. 1A.

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