Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Astute Quotes

On Oscar night, some of the stars on the red carpet gave us their political perspectives.

George Clooney: "I'm disillusioned by the people who are disillusioned by Obama." I guess I am, too, George. I can't believe they fell for his hope and change in the first place. I guess George is just one of those "check your brain at the door" folks.

Eva Longoria: "I'm a big Obama supporter, no matter what he's been through." What he's been through? Do you mean the 90 rounds of golf, Eva? Or the Hawaiian, Cape Cod, European and other vacations? All the parties they've had at the White House? His taxpayer funded date nights with Michelle? Just what, exactly, has he been through? High gas prices? No his fuel is paid for. High groceries? No, the White House prepares his meals. Fears for his safety from terrorists? No, he has Secret Service and secret bunkers. Giving up something now to prepare his retirement nest egg? No, he's got a great retirement plan. High insurance bills fuelled by Obamacare? No, he's got the best doctors at his beck and call -- they even make White House calls! So, Eva, just what has he been through?

"The endorsement goes to . . ." The Dallas Morning News; February 26, 2012; p. 10A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beauty and NO BRAINS!