Thursday, March 1, 2012

But let's hear the rest of the story.

Michelle Obama made a much-publicized trip to Dallas in February to tell them what a good job they're doing in providing nutritious lunches and to take advantage of a bunch of campaign photo ops. The quarter-page size photo on the front page of the Metro section of The Dallas Morning News shows her serving herself salad at an Olive Garden and is headlined "Practicing what she preaches." But let's hear the rest of the story . . . I'll just wager that that salad was accompanied by half-a-dozen breadsticks, a big old plate of spaghetti and meatballs coated in parmesan cheese, and a tira misu for dessert.

"Praticing what she preaches." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2012; p. 1B.

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