Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Funny, it didn't make me one.

One of the favorite arguments of those who favor the legalization of drugs is that, as Cheryl Norman puts it, "Too many of our laws . . . are too often unnecessarily making criminals out of . . .people." Funny, there hasn't been a law yet that's made a criminal out of me. If one chooses to smoke pot, the law cannot be blamed for that choice. The only way a law can make a criminal of someone is if it is made retroactive when it is enacted. If I'm clocked doing 55 mph down a highway where the speed limit is 55, and the next week they change the speed limit to 35 mph and say that everyone clocked at 55 the week before will be fined, then the law has made me a "criminal."

Cheryl goes on -- "People have been smoking pot in college for the last 40 years." Gosh, that's a good reason for changing the law. Let's eliminate that pesky murder prohibition, because people have been committing murder since Cain killed Abel several thousand years ago.

"These are not criminals. . ." The Dallas Morning News; February 23, 2012; p. 14A.

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