Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is this a non-story?

The headline blares "Man evicting 98-year-old mom." How heartless! How cruel! But don't jump to those conclusions just yet.

Peter Kantorowski wants his mother to move in with him or into a nursing home. She's refused to go. Concerned for her welfare (Peter says she's disoriented and the house is in poor condition), he did what he felt he had to do. Since ownership of the house had been transferred to him several years ago, he's having his mother legally evicted.

"I'm not throwing her on the street. At her age, . . . she should have her meals on time." Her court-appointed attorney says, "I'm appalled a son would do this." Since he's so appalled, I'm sure he'll volunteer to see that Peter's mother is properly cared for. But I'm not holding my breath until he does.

"Man evicting 98-year-old mom." The Dallas Morning News; February 18, 2012; p. 16A.

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