Friday, April 20, 2012

Unclear on the Concept

Lindsey Donner seems to be unclear on the concept of health insurance. She is a small business owner who has opted not to buy health insurance. She thinks Obamacare should be in place in case she wants to have a baby in five years from now.

She said that she and her husband did have insurance at one time, but they found they were paying monthly premiums for insurance they never used. Well, duh! They should count themselves fortunate that they're not sick very much. I guess that means I can go ahead and drop my homeowners insurance, because I never use it. Let me see if I can explain this, Lindsey. You buy insurance to protect you against unfortunate circumstances that MAY come. You don't buy it thinking, "Gosh, I hope I get cancer so I can use this," or "Gee, maybe a tornado will hit my house and I can use my insurance."

As far as you wanting coverage so you can have a baby, save up the money yourself if you don't want to buy insurance! If you can't save enough in five years to pay for maternity and delivery care, then maybe you can't afford a baby anyway. Why should the taxpayer be on the hook to pay your way?

"Mandate isn't first of its kind." The Dallas Morning News; April 2, 2012; p. 1A.

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