Monday, April 2, 2012

You go, Dad!

Hooray for Tommy Jordan of Albemarle, N.C. Tommy's sassy teenage daughter aired complaints on Facebook about her parents making her do (gasp!) chores. "I'm not your damn slave!" she exclaimed. "You know how hard it is to keep up with the chores and schoolwork? It's freaking crazy." Poor little Miss Overworked . . . if she's that busy, where does she find the time to spend on Facebook?

Well, Tommy took care of that problem. By now, you've probably all seen the video he made as he shot the daughter's laptop to smithereens. We'd have fewer self-serving, spoiled, lazy teenagers if we had more fathers like Tommy who have a little parenting gumption.

Not so, says Gary Baker, a father of two teenagers. He says, "For any parent to respond with wanton violence and destruction of property is unnecessary and clearly an overreaction." Wanton violence? Give me a break! Destruction of property? I daresay good ol' Tommy and not the sassy teenager paid for that laptop, so it was his to do with as he pleased. Overreaction? I think that fits little Miss Drama Queen a whole lot more than it does dad.

I'll just bet that Tommy's daughter will never forget this lesson!

"Dad's tech execution fires up the masses." The Dallas Morning News; February 18, 2012; p. 16A.

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