Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jim Barber doesn't believe we know what's good for us.

Jim Barber doesn't like Paul Ryan's budget proposal. He doesn't like allowing seniors to choose between Medicare and private plans. He says it will "kill Medicare, a wildly popular government program that three out of four Americans support . . ."

If it's that wildly popular, why does he think it will be killed? He says it will be killed because it will allow healthy people to get better rates somewhere else. If Medicare's all that great, why can't they get the same rates from Medicare? He says only the sickest will stay in Medicare, because they can't afford a private plan. So is he admitting that Medicare's just a tool for redistributing wealth? And the only way we can keep it is to force people into it? Sounds to me like good arguments for why the government shouldn't be in the healthcare business at all.

"Medicare will suffer." The Dallas Morning News; March 26, 2012; p. 12A.

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